Top Autoimmune disease treatment developments to watch

Autoimmunity is how an organism‘s immune system responds to healthy tissues and cells. When the immune system fails to recognize the good cells from the bad ones, it attacks its good cells and tissues. Due to this abnormal activity in the immune system a person can be prone to various health conditions and diseases occurring due to this deviation are termed as autoimmune diseases.

Some of the largely diagnosed autoimmune diseases are lupus, Type-I Diabetes, and Multiple sclerosis. The actual cause and reason behind various autoimmunity diseases of is idiopathic. There are some theories pointing that it is caused due to certain drug intake or microorganisms. While others say, it can be genes susceptible to autoimmune diseases. Autoimmune diseases are on the rise and have become a serious health condition. It causes due to the wrong path taken by T-cell, B-cells and other cells failing to respond to its antigens. Autoimmune diseases are chronic in nature and at times life-threatening.

Recent advances have helped in understanding the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease aids. It has helped doctors in different autoimmune disease treatments.

Lupus, is one such autoimmune disease affecting a large number of population worldwide. There are about twenty-sixty per lakh population globally affected by lupus. There are 40-50 thousand lupus affected patients in India itself. More numbers are adding up to the existing ones each year. Lupus affects the joints, skin and other body parts like, the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Patients experience hair loss, ulcers, skin rash, arthritis, neurological, pulmonary, and cardiac ailments symptoms. These symptoms if ignored can turn fatal. There is no single drug for autoimmune disease treatments. Type-1 diabetes is another autoimmune disease affecting from birth with no insulin islets. While multiple sclerosis is another autoimmune disease affecting a lot of patients across the globe and the numbers are alarming in our country.  The treatments usually destroy good cells along with the cells causing these conditions. The patient hence gets exposed to infections due to low immune levels. Researches in recent times have looked at targeting PD-1 (programmed cell death protein). to develop great results in autoimmune disease treatment.

Over the years, trials, and advancements are taking place in autoimmune disease treatments. The study of autoimmune disease has helped researches in understanding various abnormalities and the path taken by the cell activity causing an imbalance in the good, and not-so-good cells in the body. With continuous research in this field of autoimmune disease, treatments have further advanced than before. Autoimmune specialists in Pune are treating patients with new methods of treatments. Doctors in Pune are shifting to advanced treatments replacing the traditional immune-suppressive methods or therapies.

Autoimmunity doctors in Pune take all measures in treating their patients affected with autoimmune disease. Usually, autoimmunity specialists involve their patients while directing their autoimmune disease treatments to them. The environment, immunity, and genetic factors have their hand in such health complications. It is still a long road ahead in finding a complete cure and an apt treatment for autoimmune disease patients. 


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